Thursday, November 29, 2012

My friends, The Tarlatans.

 Two summers ago, Clemson, SC seemed to be a lonely town until I met this group of guys through a friend. A year and  half later they are some of my best friends. They also all happen to be in an awesome band called,  The Tarlatans. When I met them they were all living in an apartment together and recording from a makeshift studio in their bathroom! They have moved on to bigger and better bathrooms in Charleston, SC and continue making music and playing around there! They have an album out and you can find that on iTunes! I highly suggest you check out their music! 

Monday, November 26, 2012


 Photo Credit: Blake Shorter

These are photos taken from a shoot last year. 35mm color film. Blake and I went to an adventure and these are just three of those photos. Hopefully I will find the rest and add them here as well. I used these in a Critique last year, and it really got me thinking about portraiture.  I would say that was a big point in which I started to lean towards doing that type of work.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


       These images are from another exploration of relationship, but also dealing with family, and trying to bring in my family history, and some how figure out its relationship to me. This is an Extension of thought based on themes early last year. Thoughts about how to create memory in a light hearted way, how to step outside of the memory and be able to somehow 'examine' it.


This shoot was done with my best friend Blake. I will have a few more to come later, but I wanted to throw these on there because I liked the shoot, and he made it fun. I was learning to experiment with Strobe lighting so here is my small attempt. You should know Blake is my best friend for many reasons and I learn the most about who Jesus is on a day to day basis through this man.


This was a very special shoot done with a very beautiful friend of mine on 35mm color negative film. Her name is Sarah Phillips. She is also a photographer studying Art with me at Clemson University. This is the first of a series I am committed to shooting this semester, and on into the next, dealing with relationships between myself and others. We will see where it goes. I hope to get some of my thoughts about this series out and onto the pages of this blog.
Learning to put my work out there for others to see has been a slow and intimidating process. This Blog will be a place for process and thought, but mainly to document my photography work. We will see what it ends up being!