Monday, January 21, 2013

Reminders[Instagram photo blog]

     So for a few semesters now I have had this love of looking down and taking a picture of where I am standing at that moment whether it be waiting on the Cat bus, outside in my yard, or just standing with another person. My professor once said it is our way of marking where we have been in a way. Sort of like a journal through pictures. I loved that and have kept doing it since. I know a lot of people do this, and that is another reason why I think it is so neat! So to my excitement, Instagram had a weekend hashtag project called #WHPfromwhereistand" <---- AWESOME! here is my chance! haha but really it was one of the first times i wanted to participate in this because it was something i loved doing. 
      I turned to Blake yesterday as I was sitting on his couch watching the football game and said, it would be like a dream if my photo was chosen for the Instagram feed. I know that sounds pretty trivial, but I mean who doesn't want their photography to be recognized, especially by such a large group of people! 
      So I got a notification on my photo from a women that said, " good morning for sure! cheers to both of us on being featured together! really lovely image." I had no idea what was going on... NO... it couldn't be. So i kept refreshing my feed to see if Instagram would post the 9 chosen like they usually do in a neat little square, but it never showed.  I went over to their Blog and there it was! My photo from this weekend! 
      So needless to say, the Lord loves to bless us and remind us of our dreams, and the desires he has placed in us. Like Donald Miller, Blake and many others say... He doesn't just love us, he actually likes us too. I believe he likes the things we like, and loves to see us squeal around in the kitchen in excitement. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Time with me.


      Yesterday I spent the day shopping for supplies for my beginning sculpture class, drove about 15 minutes to Seneca to go to a welding supply store, and I should have called ahead because apparently these places close at 1 pm on Saturday's. It was not a total loss because I decided to follow the back way to Lowe's to pick up the rest of my supplies when I discovered that Seneca has well over 8 Thrift stores. I could't believe it.  I went in the first one I saw to buy some leather boots for my class and as I kept driving they just kept popping up. I went to lunch at one of my favorite spots in Clemson, Pot Belly Deli and sat outside to eat and take pictures of me eating. ha, (I needed to shoot some stuff for class). This place holds a lot of memories of very sleepy morning's with Ashley Marshall. The trip was fun; I ended up going on my own little adventure and spending the day with me. So here are the photos of this time. I will throw in, that by the end of the day I was sitting in a friends living room, drinking wine, and screaming like a little 13 year old girl when Ali Roger's (Miss SC) was in the final two for Miss America. So I would call that an awesome day.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


 Several months ago, Blake kept mentioning how much he would like a nice pair of jeans so I did some research and decided on these; if you haven't heard of BilliamJeans then you are in for a treat. Bill went to Clemson University and somehow worked his way into making very very wonderful jeans for humans like Blake and hopefully soon, me. One unique thing about these jeans, is that a portion of the profits go directly to the war against Sex trafficking. If you are interested check out their website and look into their Blog to find out more! So the day that I took these photos was a fun day. This was Blake's Christmas present from me and my family. We ventured over to the Art district in Greenville and met Bill for a fitting, and walked out with two jeans that we literally got to watch him sew together, and an awesome hand-made wallet. I would say that was a good day.